Preventative Care

Cleaning & Prevention
Regular professional exams, preventative cleanings, a dedicated at-home hygiene routine, and a healthy, balanced diet can help prevent minor issues from becoming more significant.
We recommend keeping preventative maintenance appointments with one of our dental hygienists to prevent complex issues or decay from developing. When dental problems do arise, the sooner we identify the issue, the more conservative the treatment options. Six months is the ideal timeframe in which to complete routine oral health exams, oral cancer screenings, and cleanings or periodontal therapy, for most patients unless there is a history of gum disease. Contrary to what people think, gum disease and oral cancer can develop without pain or discomfort. Once those symptoms manifest, reversing them without more invasive intervention is impossible, so prevention is critical.
Oral Cancer Screening
At each visit, our team thoroughly examines your lips, tongue, and connective soft tissue. They are looking for any changes, even if they are subtle because early detection of oral cancer can ultimately save your life. Our team is highly trained to detect even the slightest abnormality and is happy to provide more sophisticated cancer screenings if needed.

Digital X-Rays
Digital X-Rays provide our team with exquisitely detailed images of the interior of each of your teeth while dramatically reducing the amount of radiation exposure for the ultimate safety and diagnostic capability. This improved image clarity and magnification increase our doctor’s ability to diagnose and treat dental conditions earlier, thus saving you time and providing a more conservative outcome.
Teeth can be made more durable and resistant to cavities by applying composite resin, also known as sealants. Dental sealants are quick to place and can last years with the proper care and attention.
Sleep Medicine
After assessing a patient’s quality of sleep, an appliance can be made to treat mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring. Many people suffer needlessly from disruptive sleep disorders that keep them from getting enough oxygen at night.
Dental Cone Beam CT
The Dental Cone Beam CT is a cone-shaped X-Ray that moves around the patient’s head to produce between 150 to 200 high-resolution two-dimensional images, which are then digitally combined to form a 3-D image. With a Cone Beam CT, your dentist can review three-dimensional cross-sections of your head and neck. This 3-D imaging helps diagnose orthodontic needs, plan implant placement precisely and safely, and do surgical planning for impacted or compromised teeth. This unique technological integration allows us to place implants with total confidence based on the surgical site and final restoration. If you need a Cone Beam CT, don’t worry, our specialized clinical or dental assistant will explain this completely painless process!
Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here; please call at (310) 543-1234 for clarity.